Mesmo os voos solitários chegam em algum lugar. Façamos de nosso Pais a Terra que sempre sonhamos viver...

sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2011

Brazil asks for help. Spread to the World ....

Brazil asks for help. Spread to the World ....
The Lula government is a lie.
In Portuguese and English

PROFESSORES!...Volto a implorar a voces.
Mais uma vez a Educação do Brasil está em suas mãos.
PT criou o "aborto" O Pai do PTgues. O dicionário dos Burros. O nivelar por baixo. Amontoado de folhas possuidas de besterias, que ousam afirmar ser certo, falar errado.
Greve Branca. Resistência silenciosa.
Esqueçam essa 'Placenta", oriunda do útero podre de um cérebro estéril, dentro de uma gaveta.
Logo ninguém mais falará nesse absurdo.
O PT, covarde como é, fará de conta que esqueceu também.
Fala tanto em liberdade, que não terá como obrigar o uso.
Espalhem. Compartilhem.
O educador, que não pensa com o coração dominado por interesses partidários, com certeza reprova esse atentado à Lingua Portuguesa.
Se quisermos. Sem fazer greve ou barulho. Desmobilizaremos essa aberração...

I ask friends not Brazilian or Brazilians living abroad. Take the world a sad reality that lives in Brazil.
Former President Lula leads the country.
The election of current President, Mrs. Roussef was a farce from PT. Government Party.

Research adulterated. Determination with fraud. If using the fact that we have here an electronic ballot, outdated and does not confer the right to vote.
Corruption is out of control.
While party politicians act the same vultures in public money, hospitals are bankrupt. The crime takes to the streets. Drug trafficking is done freely in the streets and people have no way to react.
Members create laws that defend their theft, and to strip them of power, only using weapons. But we are a peaceful people.
Brazil is becoming a hell.

The current government inherited the party's parents without inflation, but has spent too much. Do not invest in production and inflation starts to return.
We are unable to receive the World Cup or Olympics. Politicians do not bother to make the necessary works for the events. Projects do not pencil out and the money vanishes.
The latter now was to release a book for schools, saying it is right, wrong talk.
They want to turn into the teacher discrimination want to educate the child to talk right.
Do not want to invest in education and try to turn the lack of culture into something acceptable.
Help us to unmask this government and save Brazil.
Here's what we try to do.
Resistance using the Internet ...

TEACHERS ... Again I implore you all.
Again the Education of Brazil is in your hands.
PT created the "abortion"The Father of PTGui. The dictionary of the Burros. The level down. Pile of leaves possessed beasts who dare claim to be right, wrong talk.
White strike. Silent resistance.
Forget this 'Placenta'from the womb of a rotten brain sterile, inside a drawer.
So nobody else will talk this nonsense.
The PT, cowardly as it is, will pretend to forget too.
Talks so much about freedom, they will not enforce the use.
Spreading. Share.
The teacher, who does not think with your heart dominated by partisan interests, certainly condemns this attack on the Portuguese language.
If we want to. No strike or noise. Demobilized this aberration ...

Excuse me for flaws in the text. My desire to save my country is far greater than my English

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